My Twitter feed used to be here, but since a certain someone changed the API terms, you get a picture of Clementine instead.

Demon Healer Naberius is now available!

Demon Healer Naberius is now available!


Well, I can’t say I expected to be able to say this so soon, but seeing everyone’s kind words on Tostantan’s art got me super pumped—enough that I managed to the final draft, eBook formatting, and legal registration all done in a little more than a weekend. And because of that, I can now proudly announce…


Demon Healer Naberius is now available on Amazon!!

Naberius has been my pet project for a little over half a year, and it’s kinda surreal to think it’s now out there for others to enjoy. I’d be lying if I didn’t say that also makes me a little nervous, but the hope that my little story will be able to make someone smile gives me all the courage I need. Demon Healer Naberius has been the most fun I’ve had writing yet, and it is my sincerest wish that that happiness will carry over to you.

If you would like to first learn more about Demon Healer Naberius and its content, please check out the introductory article describing the story, its setting, and the protagonists, Nabby and Bosa.

Demon Healer Naberius is currently available for $0.99 through Amazon via the link below:


And with that, I leave Naberius to you, dear reader. Now that my part’s done, I think I’ll take a little break to reflect on this journey (and work on my video game backlog). Then again, my brain’s already churning with new ideas, so who knows how long I’ll stay off the saddle. Either way, I hope you enjoy Demon Healer Naberius and will look forward to my next story.

As always, I wish you nothing but the best. Take care, amicos.

In Review: A Fool's Goddess - Chapter Twenty-Three

In Review: A Fool's Goddess - Chapter Twenty-Three

A Fool's Goddess - Chapter Twenty-Three

A Fool's Goddess - Chapter Twenty-Three