Novels by Peter Varnicrast


A Fool’s Goddess

What does it mean to have faith? And what does it take to justify that faith?

As an apprentice sculptor, Lior was content to simply carry out his master’s orders and make a living. But upon seeing the painting of Tornara, a so-called “heretic goddess”, he finds himself enamored with the deity. His passion soon puts him at odds with his master, resulting in his expulsion from the workshop.

After discovering the rest of the town shuns him for being “cursed” by the forgotten god, Lior then departs in search of a land where he can freely share Tornara’s beauty. This journey leads Lior to encounter kindred souls who help him understand there may be more to his devotion than a simple fascination. Yet such a deviant faith does not go unnoticed, and the consequences will challenge the bond between sculptor and Goddess.

Published on August 4th, 2019, A Fool’s Goddess marks Peter Varnicrast’s first foray into the world of literature—featuring cover art by Steven Elsey, aka @nekomancer_arts!

The Saccharums, a family of vampires who prided themselves on supping only upon the blood of criminals, regardless of if they deserved death.

The Roderescus, a clan of hunters who slew in the name of order, willfully ignoring the possibility of justice behind a vampire's actions.

In centuries past, the two were embroiled in a long, bitter conflict, but after a chance encounter proved their convictions were not incompatible, they formed a partnership. Now, generations later, the Saccharums and Roderescus have decided to come together as one through the marriage of their respective heirs—with the caveat that those heirs must prove themselves deserving of the honor.

To meet such a challenge, Sofia Saccharum has taken up Confession, the ancient stake-driver formerly wielded by her prestigious uncle and styled herself as the bounty-hunting Siege Princess. With her fiancé Marcel Roderescu setting the stage for their targets, Sofia will battle her foes with elegance and bombast, transforming each hunt into a performance worthy of theatre.

Published on June 1st, 2022, The Theatre of the Siege Princess is a standalone spinoff that takes place in the same world as Demon Healer Naberius, featuring character designs and covers by the one-and-only Rezynsire!

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume One

After a botched summoning ritual stranded Naberius, demon of the Goetia, in the mortal realm of Rullia, she was only able to find her footing thanks to the generosity of a traveling healer. Inspired by such kindness, Naberius now seeks to become a healer herself—though there's one teeny-tiny problem: demons can’t use healing magic! But with the help of the foul-mouthed fallen net idol Bosa, she’ll brave the perils of inflated rent, bizarre clients, and the inconsistent gig economy—all in the name of becoming the world’s greatest—and first—demon healer!

Join Nabby and Bosa as they do their best to make ends meet in a world of fantastic adventures and unfortunate realities. With dry wit, dirty jokes, and some heartfelt honesty, Demon Healer Naberius asks but one question: how do you become a renowned healer when you're only able to use dark magic?

Published on June 9th, 2020, Demon Healer Naberius is Varnicrast’s first light novel, complete with illustrations by Thanaphon “Tostantan” Kaewmuangmun!

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Two

Having overcome numerous trials across myriad quests, Nabby and Bosa now face their greatest foe yet—an empty bank account! With rent due and their stomachs growling, the two find themselves stuck working with a scatterbrained enchanter, a trio of halflings trained in “sensual combat”, and...a mafia don?! But no matter what, they’ll press on, even as Bosa wrestles with the ghosts of her former fame and Nabby is tested on what it means to be a healer—despite how she still can’t use any healing magic!

Nabby and Bosa return with their ongoing struggle to pay the bills in a world of swords, sorcery, and unreliable gig work. Flavored with raunchy humor and heart-to-hearts, Demon Healer Naberius continues with more tales of a jaded songstress and a healer who only knows dark magic.

Published on January 10th, 2021, Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Two continues the story of Nabby and Bosa, once again featuring illustrations by the fantastic Thanaphon “Tostantan” Kaewmuangmun!

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Three

With the threat of destitution defeated, Nabby and Bosa are finally free to enjoy the peaceful life of gig adventuring they fought so hard to have. Sure, they end up supporting a miserable undead and helping a young couple confess their love to one another, but their real problems are behind them—right? Unfortunately, a fellow Goetic demon has come to take Nabby back to the underworld, and she's hellbent on getting revenge for the disgrace the healer inflicted on her during their youth! As fate conspires to drive them apart, can Nabby and Bosa’s partnership survive the arrival of Duke Bune IV?

Back for round three, Nabby and Bosa continue their adventures in a world of great fantasy and crushing realities! With sincere thoughts and lurid comedy, Demon Healer Naberius seeks to determine if even a demon can be worthy of forgiveness.

Published on June 22nd, 2021, Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Three is the third installment of Nabby and Bosa’s tale, with Thanaphon “Tostantan” Kaewmuangmun providing even more wonderful illustrations!

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Four

Life should be easygoing for Nabby and Bosa. Work has been steady, the holidays are coming up, and they’ve even secured a way for Nabby to keep adventuring in Rullia for as long as she likes—yet they still can’t relax! Nabby finds herself terrorized by nightmares and a competitive nekomata, and Bosa’s anxiety continues to mount as her confrontation with her father draws closer. But they’ve got each other’s backs, so together, they’ll find the courage to face the leviathan known as the MacNamara family Christmas party!

Modern problems and magic conveniences entwine once more in the fourth installment of Demon Healer Naberius! Through candor and humor, Nabby and Bosa’s saga continues in a volume of dreams and fears.

Published on December 5th, 2021, Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Four is the fourth entry in the series. Tremendous thanks to Thanaphon “Tostantan” Kaewmuangmun for providing the art once again!

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Five

After being gifted the means to move into a larger apartment, Nabby and Bosa are feeling rather fortunate. But life hasn’t been so kind to others, and upon encountering a penny-pinching knight and a golem that's not quite what it seems, the girls will do their best to share their luck—only to have to worry about themselves when they find an exorcist waiting on their doorstep! From the shadows of his prison cell, that priest has sent his estranged apprentice to accomplish what he cannot, and Nabby has no intention of letting him have his way.

…Oh, there's also a pair of dweebs seeking to crush what remains of Bosa’s former glory, but you can ignore them.

Published on July 15th, 2022, Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Five continues the saga of Nabby and Bosa, with covers and character designs once more by the ineffable Thanaphon “Tostantan” Kaewmuangmun!

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Six

Nabby is in a dark place. After giving in to her rage and nearly lashing out at the dweebs who harassed Bosa, she’s left feeling like she’s still the same child who lost control and injured her classmates years ago—like she doesn’t deserve to call herself a healer while she harbors such violent urges. Fortunately, Bosa won’t abide her partner’s self-flagellation, and she’s not afraid to summon help straight from the underworld in her mission to see Nabby smile once more. Amidst Nabby and Bosa’s adventures with washed-up legends and familiar faces, Marquis Naberius VII will make the journey to Rullia and guide her daughter towards understanding the truth behind the fears and regrets she’s suffered for so long.

Published on December 11th, 2022, Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Six is the midpoint of Nabby and Bosa’s tale. As always, art was provided by Thanaphon “Tostantan” Kaewmuangmun!

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Seven

Bune has joined the team, bringing Nabby and Bosa one step closer to taking the Monstralia Qualification Exam! Yet they’re still one member short of a full party, and given the MQE’s infamously high failure rate, they’ll need to bolster their strengths and shore up their weaknesses to even have a chance at passing the exam. So, following the guidance of a deviant master and warnings from a world-class bard whose sudden retirement remains shrouded in mystery, Nabby’s team will hone their talents before attempting to recruit the man touted as a defender without equal—the unbreakable bulwark, Alke the Whole!

Published on July 5th, 2023, Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Seven marks a lucky moment in Nabby and Bosa’s adventures. Covers and character designs courtesy of Thanaphon “Tostantan” Kaewmuangmun!