My Twitter feed used to be here, but since a certain someone changed the API terms, you get a picture of Clementine instead.

Welcome to my blog!


Hello, and welcome to my blog!

First off, thank you for taking the time to check out this website. I’m an amateur writer currently doing what he can to bring attention to his novel, so I truly appreciate even the slightest interest you may have in this. I hope you enjoy what you see here and will consider revisiting it.

I’d also like to ask for forgiveness for any issues with the blog. This was my first time making a website of any kind, and although Squarespace has magnificent tools for simplifying the process, I won’t be surprised if I’ve made a mistake here or there. I apologize for any dust.

Now then, let’s get to the nitty-gritty and cover the purpose of this blog. I created it for two main reasons: to help share my writings and to give myself a place to express my thoughts on the creative process.

For the former, I intend to post something I’ve written every other week. I’ll start off with chapters from my first novel and later move on to either short stories I’ve written in the past or chapters from my next novel, whichever is more readily available. For the latter purpose, I would like write a review of whatever I’ve posted here, also going every other week. I’ll go over my feelings on certain scenes or characters, as well as cover any techniques I used and where I got them from.

Ideally, this will result in new content being uploaded to this website every week, alternating between a piece of my writing, followed by a review on that writing, then a new piece, then a review on that, so on and so forth. I currently plan to post every Sunday, but I will adjust that should the need arise.

Of course, I have no intention of letting that bar me from posting more if I feel the need. If the future Peter feels like sharing extra stories with the regular content, he’s free to do so. In addition, you can also expect anything too big for a tweet to show up here. Whether that’s news, updates, or whatever, only God knows.

To start things off right and give a sample of the sort of content I’d like to deliver, I’ve posted the first chapter of my novel, A Fool’s Goddess, as well as a review on that chapter. Starting next weekend, I will begin the alternating schedule by posting Chapter Two, and the Sunday after that will have that chapter’s review. This first round of content came out on a Monday as I needed the weekend to figure out and design the blog itself, but I’m aiming for Sundays from here on out.

Lastly, if you are interested in contacting me, you can email me directly through the icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen or via the form on my About page. You can also follow me on Twitter at @Varnicrast or comment in the area below. No matter what, I would love to hear your feedback.

Thank you again for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy your time here and have a wonderful day!

A Fool's Goddess - Chapter One

A Fool's Goddess - Chapter One