My Twitter feed used to be here, but since a certain someone changed the API terms, you get a picture of Clementine instead.

The Theatre of the Siege Princess is now available!

The Theatre of the Siege Princess is now available!


Life has a funny sense of humor, you know? I managed to dodge COVID for a whole two and a half years, but then one week before I plan to release a book, I finally come down with it—and over Memorial Day weekend, no less. Thankfully, my case is pretty mild (mostly just a fever and cold symptoms), so it can’t stop me from announcing…

The Theatre of the Siege Princess has been released!!

Speaking of the funny turns life takes, it’s ironic how Demon Healer Naberius, the main series Siege Princess is branching off from, was originally supposed to be a side project, yet now I’ve spawned a side project off of that side project. I guess that just goes to show you can’t predict where your creative ventures will take you, and being a hedonist, I’m not planning to force myself to write anything my heart isn’t fully behind. Writing The Theatre of the Siege Princess has been one of the most fun experiences of my authorship, and it’s my sincerest wish that you’ll find joy in it as well should you choose to give it a chance.

Once again, my deepest gratitude for Rezynsire for providing the striking characters and phantasmal cover art for this project. She even ended up providing the typography you see on the cover as well, so I can’t overstate how glad I am to have gotten her help in all this. I look forward to working with her again in the future.

Lastly, if you somehow happened upon this article and have no idea what a “Siege Princess” is, please check out the introductory article here. It has Rezynsire’s wonderful art there as well, so I highly recommend giving it a looksee.

Thanks for swinging through. If you’re planning pick up The Theatre of the Siege Princess, then I hope it’ll bring you all the laughs and excitement writing it brought me, and if not, then I still appreciate you hearing out my sales pitch (though I don’t think I’m much of a salesman). I’ve got DHN Vol. 5 in the forge now, and if you’re interested in something more constructive, I’ll have a special article posted on this website on June 9th, which marks the second anniversary or Demon Healer Naberius’ release.

But regardless of when our paths will cross next, I hope you stay happy and healthy. I can now personally say this COVID shit kinda sucks, so if you haven’t had the displeasure of experiencing it, I’ll pray that you can keep it that way, dear reader.

Have a good evening, folks.

Hard and Soft — An examination of DHN: Vol. 3's Job Nine

Hard and Soft — An examination of DHN: Vol. 3's Job Nine

Introducing The Theatre of the Siege Princess!

Introducing The Theatre of the Siege Princess!