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Some Updates to A Fool's Goddess

Some Updates to A Fool's Goddess


Hello there. In a nice change of pace, I’m actually making a separate article to talk about something not directly related to A Fool’s Goddess. Crazy, I know, but as the changes are happening today and deserve visibility, I figured a proper post was in order.

First off, I’m proud to announce that A Fool’s Goddess is now available on Smashwords. It’s probably ridiculous that it even took me this long to put it on another platform, but hey, here you go. It’s up there now via this link, and I will be sure to link it in all chapters moving forward.

Now, the more important news is that I’ve dropped the price of the novel. Previously listed at $2.99, it is now available at $0.99.

I did this for a few reasons. Primarily, my growth and experience in recent months has made me painfully aware of the missteps I’ve made in A Fool’s Goddess. Those who have read my reviews will know that I loathe my past self for not understanding proper spacing near ellipses or how to use an em dash, and revisiting the novel and seeing those issues has worn on my confidence in the novel’s pricing. I do not lament the story itself—I feel that aspect was accomplished well enough—but taking those punctuation errors along with some minor stylistic nuances that I’ve outgrown made it no longer feel fair for me to expect three dollars in exchange for my first work.

As such, I felt my best move was to reduce the price, and on that note, I do wish to apologize to anyone who has already purchased the novel or perhaps was dissuaded from doing so because of the previous price. I must admit to my own naivete back when I first published my novel and feel that my arrogance has since damaged the potential A Fool’s Goddess may have had on its debut. I now understand my own abilities and will endeavor to broadcast them accordingly.

Of course, I will continue to upload chapters of the novel here on the usual schedule, along with the reviews. Going through my first effort has proven to be incredibly educational—as well as entertaining—so I hope you’ll stick with me as we comb through Lior’s tale.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach me via the links at the top and bottom of the page, but I hope this article has provided some clarity on these recent changes. I should have some better news soon, but until then, I wish you a good week.


In Review: A Fool's Goddess - Chapter Sixteen

In Review: A Fool's Goddess - Chapter Sixteen

A Fool's Goddess - Chapter Sixteen

A Fool's Goddess - Chapter Sixteen