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Coming Soon — Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Seven!

Coming Soon — Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Seven!



I mentioned in Volume Six’s announcement article that I was having a rough month, and that unfortunately transitioned into a very rough half-year. It was just one of those periods in life where nothing seems to go right, and I ended up burning out harder than I ever have before. But like a featherless phoenix, my homely visage has risen from the ashes, with fresh tidings of healing demons and singing scylla in my clutches.

Honestly, writing more of Nabby and Bosa’s adventures was my sanity’s lifeline over the past six months. So, it’s my pleasure to be able to offer a taste of what I’ve been cooking.

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Seven is on the way. I’m currently putting the finishing touches on the manuscript and the Boss is hard at work on the illustrations, so we’re still on track for our late June/early July release. Of course, I’ll have everything published on Amazon as soon as possible, and I’ll make an announcement here and on my Twitter the moment the ebook and paperback are available for purchase.

And before we get into the rest of this article, I need to give an extra-special, king-size thanks to Tostantan. This was the biggest job I’ve sent him yet, but the dude didn’t even flinch at my demands. He’s a helluva guy, and it’s a good thing he’s in Thailand because I would have snapped his spine with a bear hug by now if he were within grappling range.


Past introductory articles are available in the Archive here.

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Seven continues the story of Nabby and Bosa, though their team has now expanded with the addition of fellow Goetic demon Bune IV. The three of them have their eyes on the Monstralia Qualification Exam, but they’ve still got a few wrinkles to iron out before they can attempt to earn the right to travel to the most dangerous land in Rullia. They each have skills in need of sharpening, and they still need a defender to round out their party, especially since the exam only accepts groups of four.

Fortunately, the girls have family and friends who are more than happy to help them reach their goal, so through the power of networking, Nabby, Bosa, and Bune will meet the debaucherous Kinki Shikozaki—a Master Rank adventurer whose student would be the perfect defender for their team—and the artist formerly known as Diaphanous Lyco—the legendary bard that Bosa once admired. But all work and no play makes for dull adventurers, so our heroes will take a day off to enjoy the annual slug-hunting festival Slugfest…without any giant troubles this time, hopefully.

Alright, let’s get into the profiles for this volume’s new characters. I’m not quite able to make good on my promise of having a more bountiful section this year, but I’m very happy with the two characters I can introduce here.


“Diaphanous” Lyco Kneller

Race: Arachne

Class: Bard (retired)

Age: 38 years old

Likes: Music, coffee, comedy movies, collecting postcards, Apollo

Dislikes: Spicy food, beaches, romance, smoke

Skills: Song magic (both vocal and instrumental), archery


From humble origins, Diaphanous Lyco made a name for herself as a top-level bard and a best-selling musical artist. With her trusty partner Apollo, she traveled all across the globe, tackling dangerous quests and performing shows for her fans. Her adventures eventually took her to Monstralia, the most dangerous land in Rullia, and her legend continued to grow as she conquered even that wasteland.

…Which made her sudden retirement all the more shocking. Despite being on top of the world, Lyco abandoned her travels and hid away in her countryside home, without a single word as to why. She’s since been living a quiet life with Apollo, rarely ever leaving their property, yet she continues to keep her archery and song magic sharp for some unstated reason.

Talented and beautiful, one would think Lyco would have a diva’s ego, yet the fame never went to her head, and she remains honest and grounded. She adores her fans and was proud of every smile she inspired, yet she has refused every request to explain her retirement. She and Apollo’s relationship is purely platonic, but Lyco will never deny that she loves Apollo with all her heart.

Apollo Glennson

Race: Gnome

Class: Herbalist (retired)

Age: 35 years old

Likes: Insects, comedy movies, sweets, falling block puzzles, Lyco

Dislikes: Dogs, abstract art, romance, himself

Skills: Herbalism, alchemy, medicine


The son of an apothecary, Apollo set out as an adventurer in the hopes of discovering new herbs and alchemical techniques he could bring home to his family’s business. He met Lyco during a gryphon-hunting job, and after hitting it off, the two of them became partners who traveled all over Rullia together. Lyco shined in the spotlight while Apollo preferred to keep to himself—to the point that very few of Lyco’s fans are even aware of his existence—yet he is as great a healer as Lyco is a bard.

He retired alongside Lyco two years ago, with no reason stated. He now spends his days experimenting with medicinal herbs, breeding new strains in the hopes of increasing potency or mitigating side effects. There’s a constant flow of smoke from his mask, which apparently comes from a calming incense he enjoys, and it must be rather potent as he has developed a bad habit of falling asleep in his own laboratory.

A humble wallflower, those who meet Apollo are baffled that he’s the only person Diaphanous Lyco ever accepted as her traveling partner. He is easily stressed and can be troublesome to talk to, but he quickly warms up to anyone who shows interest in his research. He loves Lyco above all else, though he loathes what their bond has done to her.

Where can I find Demon Healer Naberius?

All my novels can be found through my Amazon author page. They’re all priced at $2.99 for an ebook and $9.99 for a paperback except for Demon Healer Naberius: Volume One, which has an $0.99 ebook so that it can be a low-risk introduction. Volume Seven will have a $2.99 ebook and $9.99 paperback.

You can always find updates on my books here, as well as my Twitter, @varnicrast. The puppy I mentioned in Volume Six’s announcement article, Magnolia, is now eight months old and over eighty-five pounds, so please check my Twitter if you’re interested in seeing that lovable beast.

In Closing

It’s hard to believe we’re already seven volumes into Demon Healer Naberius. There have been times I’ve wondered if making DHN as long of a series as I plan it to be was a wise idea, especially given my inexperience when I first set out on this journey, but now I’m very glad I did so. DHN has always been my playground where I can have fun and learn as an author, so while its length has been occasionally intimidating, it also encouraged me to commit to the craft as there would be no one else to see Nabby and Bosa’s story through to its conclusion.

I hope it’s been an enjoyable journey for you too. I look forward to sharing the next leg of it soon.

Also, since I don’t really want to make a whole article about this, I’ll mention that my one-off novel, The Theatre of the Siege Princess, has dropped its ebook price from $2.99 to $0.99. I’m still proud of the work, but it didn’t reach as far as I’d hoped, so we’ll lower the price and see if more people are willing to take a chance on Sofia and Marcel’s escapades. The paperback price will remain the same, though, as it needs to cover printing costs.

And with that, this announcement draws to a close. Stand strong, dear reader, and may our ambitions weather the storm of this cynical world.

Or just have a good day. That’s a solid goal too.

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Seven is now available!

Demon Healer Naberius: Volume Seven is now available!

In Review: Forging

In Review: Forging